Thursday, March 18, 2010

one for my homie

When is it ok to steal a guys pen that you don’t know and throw it in the garbage? When he has an annoying habit of clicking it non-stop. My friend Murray has a new guys sitting next to her at work, and apparently he likes his clicky pens. He clicks all day and he’s driving her a little insane. She just told me that she actually stole his pen and threw it in the garbage because it was driving her nuts. However, he was undaunted by her attempts and peace and arrogantly went and got a new clicky pen from the supply closet! How DARE he? My thoughts exactly. She says her next step is to steal all the clicky pens available in the supply closet and bring non-clicky pens to his desk. I mean that just makes sense, I know I don’t have the Kahunas to turn around and ask him politely to stop clicking.
Therefore I pose this question to you, my sporadic and devoted readers, are you a mouth breather? And if you are, who do you think it’s annoying right now? Also, stop it.

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