Friday, October 16, 2009

Mediocre post

There’s such a thing as being a good winner and a bad winner, as well as a good loser and a bad loser.

I think I’m in the middle of both, I don’t sulk when I lose, I try and take it all in stride, I think you have to learn to be that way when you’re me, I’m mediocre at pretty much everything… I’m not usually the worst (except for lawn darts, don’t ever play lawn darts with me because even though you’ll win, I’ll probably end up throwing the dart backwards and somehow injuring you) I’m also not usually the best. I start out trying and then something clicks off in my brain, my competitive side has become listless and apathetic, where did you go competitive side??? You used to be so boiling hot and angry all the time! That’s what made me a bad loser and a bad winner though.

Now I’m neutral.

I’m always up for a game though, any game really. If you really want to see me lose challenge me to Wii, anything Wii, for some reason I just don’t get this new technology. What do you mean if I move the thing on the screen moves? How does that even happen? Maybe I just need more practice. I think I need to practice quietly in my basement away from the pressures and distractions of friends.

The only thing I get really into these days is hockey, for some reason when I root for my team it’s like a life or death situation, I feel so much pain and anguish when we lose. I feel so elated and fantastic when we win, and I say WE because it’s US, I’m playing too. I’m playing for pride and glory and smack talk. The feelings last for days whatever the outcome!

Which brings me to ponder, if I played hockey would I be more competitive? I think this winter season I should try it. I live in a community with no less than 6 outdoor rinks. Easily available to me at any time. I have no excuse, I must play, I must get better at stick handling (pun intended), must must must.

Hey, “must” is one of those words that if you say it over and over again it stops making sense. Kinda like milk. Go figure.

We’ll end it there, I think that’s more than enough thought for a Friday.

1 comment:

    Dear Ask Asha Blargh, let's shoot guns sometime... like, handguns... and point them sideways like gangstas and see how accurate we can be and how close range we'd have to be to use the sideways shot effectively. Then let's try doing it with shotguns. Then let's start a gang. Then let's quit the gang and get icecream. Sound like a plan? Of course, we'll have to have our gang tattoos cut off before we can get the icecream. So we'll have really earned it by that point.
