Thursday, June 25, 2009

First Morning

Things that happened this morning.
I picked a wedgie walking to the bus and when I turned around there was a couple behind me. Darn.
I noticed this girl on the bus every morning. She’s black, and skinny, and she has the greatest ass I’ve ever seen. No joke. I ACTUALLY imagine it naked. Because it’s just SO awesome. I’m gay.
I fell in love on the train this morning, I think this will be a regular occurrence. I was falling asleep minding my own business and he was sitting diagonally across the isle from me. Bright blue eyes, white baseball hat. Every time he moved I flinched. Just out of pure adrenaline. He took a drink from his juice and I thought “my god I love you” he coughed, I thought “my god I love you” he got up to get off the train and I thought “don’t go! I love you!” I will call him Ethan.
I think that’s about all that went down this morning. Mind you it’s only 7:28am so we have a bit more to go.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ask Asha Blargh,

    Why don't the boys I like like me back? Should I get a boob job?
