Monday, June 29, 2009

flaky, douchey, cheap, sensitive, wimpy, creepy, MIKE

What reaction from the Mike article....
Alright, please let me clarify. Every single one of my girlfriends has a Mike of their very own. That's why we had to separate with descriptive first names. so that Flike, Dike, Chike, Sike, Wike and Crike could all be decifered.
I know that you will all note that all the descriptive words are negative. This is because all of these Mikes have hurt us.
The reason we gave them names, and not all the other guys in our lives, is because we have a problem with letting Mike's go.
Don't deny it ladies. You all know you find it hard. I do.
So, the Mike comes, he hurts, you push him away, he weasels back, you let him in, he hurts, you freak, he weasels back. lather, rinse, repeat.
Jichael, (J=whatever you wish)... I realize you feel the need to stand up for Mike's of the world. I assure you right now though, that you really don't. They will continue to "burn" (figuratively or otherwise) women forever. It is their God given right.
Dear Karma,
I could write an entire post on your question, however that may seen slightly egotistical. I will therefore do this in jot note form
- I have hair
- I have a dog named Molly who weighs 2 pounds - literally
- My Mom took me for lunch today
- I found a nerf crossbow
- I'm currently not wearing shoes
- I still find farting funny
- I use jot notes.
Dear Nate,
I think what you're really asking me here is if I will go on a date with James Franco, and the answer is yes. Yes I will. He has wanted me for a very long time. I'm glad he's finally acting on his feelings through you.
Also, I will be happy to say straight up what I think for you. Send me your problems. I will solve them!
Tact is old news.
Thank you for clarifying.
- Asha


  1. sorry for the typos. I was in a hurry and really drowsy from food.

  2. Are we still talking about Mike Jackson?

    - M. Tyson
