Friday, June 26, 2009

The Hangover... no no not the movie.

MY hangover. Today.... so brutal, worst I've had all week.
Kidding. Totally kidding.
Was that a bad joke? I can't even tell right now.
Pieces of last night keep flickering through my head, things like swigging back 5 hour energy that we found at the dollar store which I'm sure we mixed with blueberry vodka. Hot tamales, someone had a massive ziplock bag full of them, and I'm pretty sure if I threw up right now (which I'm not counting out of todays equation just yet) it would be ripe with red hot candies.
On the up side I did shower this morning so I don't smell... yet. I just realized I forgot deodorant, I hate when I do that because just the knowledge that I'm not wearing any makes me immediately sweat (or "glow" Mum said "Girls glow, we don't sweat") so I am sitting here. glowing my ass off over the fact that I forgot deodorant.
If I rub lip gloss under my arms do you think that will stop it and mask the smell?
Maybe that's just too far, or maybe it's not.
Again... I can still barely function. It's going to be a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ask Asha Blargh,

    If Michael Jackson was reincarnated as an animal, what animal would it be and why?
