Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Answers for Anne

I am horribly disappointed I haven't given you quote worthy advice. Also, mmm... purple popsicles! Also, also - if you ask Bill Gates for money, could you maybe put a P.S. at the end of your letter that mentions Anne Baxter?Okay - time for a question.Dear Ask Asha Blargh,Last night I had a dream that I was bitten by a werewolf and I was concerned that my vampire lover would no longer want me. Also, I was in a really bad mood at one point and was going to eat a large brownie with icing on it and my mom gave me a look and I got mad and threw the brownie away. What do you think this means? Also, have any weird dreams lately you'd care to share?

Dear Karma,
you HAVE given me quote worthy advice!
Things like;
" My God you're brilliant and pretty"
"I like the freckle on my lip"
"let's eat"
"ooohhhhh being drunk is good!"
these are all very useful tips in my life!

As far as your dream goes, from what I've read vampires don't really like the smell of werewolves, so I think you're effed. Go for Jacob, he's a stud! Edward's kind of gay.

Was this brownie fiasco a dream? or real life? because the one episode of sex and the city that I caught some girl ate some of a brownie, threw it out, then picked it up out of the garbage and ate more. Then she poured dishwasher soap on it so she wouldn't take it out again. You sound better off than her, I'd say all you really need to overcome your issue is a house hippo, those bring endless joy.

I haven't really remembered my dreams as of late, except one, although it's not something I'd normally share....
So in my dream there's this dude... (there's always a dude) and he was TOTALLY going to KISS me! omg. right?
so I lean in for the kiss... and then I drool on him. He looks up, shocked, and I wake up and realize I just drooled all over my pillow.
Feeling like a total winner I roll over and try to recapture the dream, didn't even flip my pillow, that's what hair is for, covering up...


  1. Hahaha! Love your dream!

    Yeah, the brownie thing was in my dream too. The nice thing about turning into a werewolf is you burn lots of extra calories - so, take that, ma! And I always loved Jake too - except he's into my daughter :S

  2. was i the boy in the dream?

    (fingers crossed)

  3. That story was so Gross, honestly kissng?
