Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fall in Summer

Well! I think that sometimes you can combine one fruit and one vegetable into a single dish and it might be delicious! Normally I like to keep mine separate, I'm one of those people who need everything on their plate separated, if my rice is touching my salad... I get the heebee jeebees just thinking about it.
There are exceptions however! such as cold cucumbers on pepperoni pizza! in this case the pizza would act as the fruit.
or, frozen blueberries and cream! the cream being the vegetable.
Also a delicious treat; celery and peanut butter!
All in all I believe I've proven my point.

Now readers I would like to pose a question to you!
If you could be a super hero what would your super spandex colours be and why?
I myself would pick yellow and green and maybe some purple for the A emblem. because I love yellow, and green AND purple. yup.


  1. Well you have given us a dilly of a pickle with that question... I think I would go Sky Blue with white letters so that when I was flying threw the air I would disapear. It would be as though no one was even flying at all. But I would be... so sweet.

  2. I would like to have a chameleon/mood suit, so when I get scared, I blend into my surroundings. Also, when I get mad, the suit turns purple with orange polka dots. And the fringe around the collar flares up. My tongue would also be forked. Yup. Looks like I'm going for a lizard theme...
