Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nerves at 25?

Do I still get nervous? Really?
Apparently the answer is yes, I do.
I had lunch today in the lunch room, which I never do, being the secluded type, you know me...
I prefer no human contact and therefore sit at my desk during lunches and read even though I know them all off by heart.
Today I was dragged kicking and screaming away from my safe haven by lifes evil temptress "Shopping", also accompanying L.E.T. was our fab HR girl Keagan. Hence my attempts at a social life through work.
After the shopping however, that's where it just gets awkward...
Keagan sits in the lunch room at lunch time, she is sociable and easy to talk to, everyone knows Keagan. No one Knows me, I like to think I'm the elusive and mysterious pretty girl that works in trucking that no one knows anything about...
I single handedly managed to rid myself of this made up fable in a less than half hour period of time.
I was awkwardly sitting in this HUGE chair and I could barely reach my food. There was no room on the one side of the table so I got stuck facing everyone… alone… my hands were shaking as I was trying to eat. I barely said 2 words, Keagan could tell I was nervous as hell. I had nothing to say, I barely made eye contact with anyone. I tried to leave at 12:30 but I couldn’t think of a valid excuse, so I just sat there awkwardly, not eating because I was just too nervous to eat. You think it would have been cute, but I just feel dumb. They were talking about Vegas, I’ve never been, so I just sat there and looked at the wall because the TV was behind me.
It was magic. The entire thing made me feel like I should learn exactly what dungeons and dragons really means.


  1. Don't fret, I'm awkward all the time. As these awkward moments increase in frequency and intensity... and they will... just remind yourself that there is probably someone more uncomfortable by the fact that your uncomfortable than any uncomfortable feeling can feel. Make sense?

    Also in the future try and make other feel uncomfortable thats what me and my sister do to each other all the time. Nothing more satisfying than watching someone squirm.

    Sincerly Pure Evil

  2. I believe it's "My sister and I"

  3. Dear Ask Asha Blargh,
    I feel like chainsawing my head open right now and letting my puny brains fall on the floor, then drawing an angry picture with them. My question is... what's the most memorable art you've ever created?
